Details of Maquis operating practices are uncertain, but it is known that they used Peregrines several times across interstellar ranges. Nevertheless, many operators have used these ships for limited interstellar missions - most especially the Maquis, who operated a small number of Peregrines during their campain against the Cardassians. At its top cruise speed the ship takes over 58 hours to cross one light year and since it carries no facilities for crew rest or refreshment, pilot fatigue makes trips of even this duration difficult. While they are capable of warp speeds, the Peregrine is not a true interstellar vessel. The craft are designed primarily to operate at impulse or low warp speeds near to their home base, or from a suitable carrier vessel such as an Akira class. The Peregrine is a medium fighter/interceptor designed to assist in fleet actions by forcing the enemy to split their fire between as many targets as posible. Standard shield system, total capacity 67,500 TeraJoules
7,840 have been lost in all.ģ x Type IV phaser bank, total output 1,200 TeraWattsĢ x Micro photon torpedo tube with 10 rounds