However if you purchase items from Galactic Trade Market, they will be delivered by the in-game mail system. If you’re a Free-to-Play Player you will not be able to send mail. Mailboxes can be found all over the main deck of the space station! There are about 8 before you even venture into the Cartel Bazaar or the other fleet ships. If you spot any errors please let me know. I have done my best to update these for 6.0 changes with Onslaught. The only other obvious differences is that you can shuttle to Coruscant, Tython and Ord Mantell from Carrick Station, but to Dromund Kaas, Korriban and Hutta from Vaiken Spacedock. So Number 1 on the Republic Map is at the top, but is at the bottom on the Imperial Map. One major difference is in the orientation of the quadrants. The Republic Fleet (with Carrick Station) and Imperial Fleet (with Vaiken Spacedock) all have the same facilities. So feel free to use those to reorient yourself!
If you get lost, both space stations have a quick travel point on the main deck (inner circle) and in the Cartel Bazaar too.
Starship Upgrades and Space Mission Vendors.